My meanderings thru the minefield of Camera's, as well as audio and video equipment with a smattering of Photography and a pinch of Quadcopters. We recently returned to Music production and so you’ll be seeing Music making posts as well from now on. Checkout our Music on Spotify , Apple Music or your favorite Music site
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Kwekwe Karu: All that Jive - Music Streaming - Listen on Deezer
Listen to All that Jive by Kwekwe Karu on Deezer. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 56 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favorite tracks with your friends.
Monday, August 31, 2015
How to: Create Great Thumbnails for Your YouTube Channel using iPad ComicLife Workflow
Today we show our method of making thumbnails for our YouTube channel while on the go using PlasQ's Comic Life app o my iPad. The ability to record the screen of our iPad's now directly into Quicktime is a huge help in making this video tho I could not for the life of me get to record audio at the same time. So I loaded the Video into Final Cut Pro X and used the Voice Over option with my Audio Technica ATR-2500 USB Large Diaphragm Condensor Mic.
Now that I've found this recording method so simple I believe I'll be doing more in future on GarageBand and various games and more
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ipod touch,
Mad Mohawk Films,
Mad Mohawk Gaming. Mad Mohawk Films,
Friday, August 28, 2015
Montreal Fierte 2015 Second Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Montreal Fierte 2015 Second Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming, a second helping of photo's I took in Montreal celebrating Pride. Quite a Party was put on I must say and we had a Great Time. It was a VERY Nice Suprise, we had no idea it was going on while we were going to be in Montreal and we just stumbled across it.
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Thursday, August 27, 2015
Dogfight First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Dogfight First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming for Apple IOS devices like my iPad as well as the iPhone and iPod Touch. Aerial Combat game based in World War I . Serviceable Graphics, may be due to using first generation iPad Mini . Control is pretty good, I simply did a quick run thru the practice area where you fly thru some hoops in the sky.
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Aerial Combat,
air superiority,
Dogfight First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming,
ipod touch,
Mad Mohawk Films,
Mad Mohawk Gaming
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Mortal Kombat Revisited at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Mortal Kombat Revisited at Mad Mohawk Gaming now that we have some higher level characters and even Ermac a Gold Card who rips thru enemies like a hot knife through butter. I love the ALLY Coins and Alliance Packs you buy with them. Faction Wars also give some excellent Loot. This is a FUN FUN Game, I wonder if on newer generation iPad's if the load times are faster than on my first generation iPad mini. I hope so.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Tarot and Numerology First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Tarot and Numerology First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming, we take a look at another Digital Divination app . This one does Numerology as well as Tarot. The biggest draw this app has that I see is the fact that you can create your own custom decks and even possibly have the deck sold thru the app. There's so many talented artists out there that this is an awesome idea in my opinion. This app offers the ability to enlist a person to give you a Tarot reading based on what you draw in the app I apologize for the backgound noise, I forgot I had a large fan running nearby and the Large Diaphragm Condensor Mic I was using picked it up rather well alas. Not bad enough to make my Voice Over unintelligible but certainly noticeable.
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Monday, August 24, 2015
MXL 770 microphone on Sony A7 via iRig Pre
MXL 770 on Sony A7 via iRig Pre test , today we give this combination a listen and see how good, bad or UGLy it sounds. I've been pretty happy thus far with the MXL microphones I've used thus far but you never know when a lemon will sneak in. I got this mic via a bulk buy using the website MassDrop, saved a BUNDLe off of Sam Ash's SALE PRICE of $118 snagging it for a paltry $65 tho to be honest I've seen it on Amazon for about $80. They seem to have a myriad of different goodies there so likely this won't be my last purchase from them. Nope NOT being paid by them, just a Happy Pappy. The more $$ I can keep in my pocket when I buy stuff the better.
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Thanks to the City of Montreal for the recent hospitality and espescially to the friendly folks in the Gay Village in Montreal. TD Bank was awesome having had a major hand in Montreal Fierte 2015 too it seemed
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Friday, August 21, 2015
Giveaway reminder
Don't forget we are still having a giveaway on our channel
Just watch the following video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe for a chance to win.
Montreal Fierte 2015 at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Montreal Fierte 2015 at Mad Mohawk Gaming, a sampling of the almost 2000 photo's I took in Montreal celebrating Pride. Quite a Party was put on I must say and we had a Great Time. It was a VERY Nice Suprise, we had no idea it was going on while we were going to be in Montreal and we just stumbled across it.
Don't Forget we are still having a Microphone Giveaway on our other channel at
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Drag Queens,
Drag show,
Fierte 2015,
Gay Pride,
Mad Mohawk Gaming,
Montreal Fierte,
Montreal Fierte 2015,
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Gunship III First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Gunship III First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming , we fly the CH-47 Chinook and the A1 Skyraider and to be honest the A1 Skyraider is a DREAM to fly., Thee Chinook seems to have only smoke grenades. There's a fair number of Helo's available in the free version but it seems like only the A1 Skyraider is free for the planes. Don't forget we are running a Giveaway on our other channel listed below, we are giving away a microphone to a lucky random subscriber. Good Luck. Subscribe to both channels to double your chances to win.
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Montreal Fierte 2015
The following are a few images I shot at Montreal Fierte 2015 with my Sony A7 and Sigma 60mm F2.8 lens. I then ran the images thru PlasQ ComicLife to attain the look seen and also cropped them a bit. It was a lovely surprise that Montreal Pride was going on while we were here and we had a blast!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Tiny Troopers Zombies First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Tiny Troopers Zombies First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming. Let me get this out of the way , I LOVE The Zombie Genre from George Romero's Night of the Living Dead to AMC's The Walking Dead and even the silly Sean of the Dead , BUT I never fare well against them in games. I love the Call of Duty franchise, but am pathetic fighting Zombie hordes in it. So please excuse my poor Zombie fighting skills in Tiny Troopers. All in all a fun game, the Cartoony zombies are comical, the Zombie chickens annoying. Maybe I'll fare better with a Bluetooth mouse or other gaming controller maybe not :-)
I miss Night of the Living Dead's shambling reanimated corpses, that was a simpler time eh? I guess I could always go to The Winchester and drown my sorrows in a Pint eh?
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ipod touch
Celtic Cross Tarot Spread for August 2015 at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Celtic Tarot Spread for August 2015, We make a departure from our usual Tarot App adventures and show a deck I've had for 30 ish years or so. The Prediction Deck , Designed by Bernard Stringer and Illustrated by Peter Richardson. From Aquarian Press , Wellingborough Northhamptonshire. I do a quick Celtic Cross, I TRY to abstain from saying anything regarding interpertation but I'm a BLABBER Mouth so pardon a fool :-) Unlike my Filmmaking Gear Video's I really saw no need to have my Pretty Face in the image as the Cards are what are important not some babbling nutjob, namely me. I'll be throwing more and more Tarot Decks in the mix on Tuesdays along with any nice IOS apps for Tarot and Divination I come across.
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Monday, August 17, 2015
Asahi Pentax 110 24mm F2.8 on the Sony A7 in Crop and Full Frame mode
Going back into the Vintage Vault, trying out the Sony A7 with an old Asahi Pentax-110 24mm F2.8 lens. We shot in both Crop mode and Full Frame mode and the Full Frame mode vignette's suprsingly little. The Vignette is even less noticeable once we converted to 2.35:1 Aspect ratio. Not bad for a $30 or so Vintage lens. Shot the audio direct into the A7 using my Rode SmartLav+ into a converter. I used a single Neewer CN-160 LED light panel.
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Alpha 7,
Full Frame,
Mad Mohak Films,
Mad Mohawk Films,
Mad Mohawk Gaming. Mad Mohawk Films,
Vintage Lens,
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Air Strike WW2 First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Air Strike WW2 First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming, taking a look at an arcade like World War 2 air combat game. Loads QUICKLY, seems to have an unlimited supply of ammo and almost Helicopter like ability to hang in the air. Good clean mindless fun
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Loot & Legends First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Loot & Legends First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming, a Dungeons and Dragons like game for Apple IOS devices such as the iPad.
I was perusing the Apple App store and this was rather prominently featured so I grabbed it and did a quick look for you and of course my own edification. I can see why it's popular. Easy to get into and fun. The graphics are reminscent of the old Tabletop Gaming days with miatures.
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The Tarot First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
The Tarot First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming, we're taking a look at another Tarot app for Ipad today. Well drawn cards, various layouts. Theres an upgrade available to choose your own decks. Not sure if you have to buy other decks or somehow import your own graphics tho. All in all quite a serviceable app for doing your own readings.
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Monday, August 10, 2015
How To:Using PlasQ ComicLife 3 to make Thumbnails for your YouTube Video's on the go
Today we show our method of making thumbnails for our YouTube channel while on the go using PlasQ's Comic Life app on my iPad. The ability to record the screen of our iPad's now directly into Quicktime is a huge help in making this video tho I could not for the life of me get to record audio at the same time. So I loaded the Video into Final Cut Pro X and used the Voice Over option with my Audio Technica ATR-2500 USB Large Diaphragm Condenser Mic.
Now that I've found this recording method so simple I believe I'll be doing more in future on GarageBand and various games and more
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Thursday, August 6, 2015
Tiny Troopers for iPad First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Tiny Troopers First Look at Mad Mohawk Films, today we are trying out the Apple IOS game Tiny Troopers on the iPad mini generation 1. We run thru the tutorial and first two levels but do not checkout the zombie level which I guess we will do in a future video as well as see if I can get my Amazon Fire TV Game Controller to control it via BlueTooth.
Don't forget we have a giveaway going on for a Microphone until October 1st 2015 so be sure to subscribe
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3rd person,
First Person Shooter,
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
WW2 Wings of Duty Revisited at Mad Mohawk Gaming
World War II Wings of Duty revisited at Mad Mohawk Gaming, the Developers were kind enough to contact me and point out a few things to me as well as let me know there was an update to the game. MUCH MUCH Happier with it now. When I crash now it's my fault I'm not simply falling out of the sky. In this video I fly a good 6-7 minutes before I plunge myself into the ocean and it's my own fault i hit the water. Have a look , the graphics are good, the control is pretty smooth and they inform me that later in the game other members of the Axis and Allies are in the game as well.
I used to LOVE watching Black Sheep Squadron with Robert Conrad as Pappy Boyington each week when I was a wee lad. Also enjoyed his stint in The Wild Wild West too. Did NOT enjoy Will Smith remake of it alas, not even gorgeous Salma Hayek could save that one for me.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Horoscope, Tarot and More First Look at Mad Mohawk Gaming
Taking a First Look at Horoscope , Tarot and more app for IOS on my Apple iPad Mini doing a few sample readings and consulting the Magic 8 Ball and a Crystal ball. We also show the Llewelyn Easy Tarot Book and deck which we will start using in the near future for Weekly Spreads in addition to my original Tarot Deck I've had for 25 or so years. We used the Audio-Technica AT2020 Large Diaphragm Condensor Mic for the voice overs. Please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe.
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Monday, August 3, 2015
Crazy Uber Rumor and My Rode Reel 2015 Special Thanks
Well folks, heard a crazy rumor about Uber being able to help boost your viewership and revenue here on YouTube and so I talk about that as well as mention a crazy idea for a commercial I'd like to see for Uber. I also talk about the recent announcement by Rode Microphones regarding Extra Special Gift for filmmakers who entered their My Rode Reel 2015 contest. So sit back and relax and enjoy the ride.
Don't forget to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. We have another Giveaway going on right now so doing so will give you a chance to win a free microphone.
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