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Thursday, April 9, 2020

StubHub Faces $5M Class Action Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Refund Policy

A Wisconsin man has filed a lawsuit against StubHub over alleged changes to their refund policy.

StubHub is facing a $5M class action lawsuit due to a complaint about an alleged change in the company's refund policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The complaint alleges that initially, fans were offered refunds for the canceled event but later on, they were offered only credit to use on the website instead of a refund and were not informed about and did not agree to the new changes.

The lawsuit accuses the ticketing company of breach of contract alongside other claims. The complainant wants the court to require StubHub to stop giving credit instead of refunds and to return to their previous refund policy. The attorney handling the plaintiff's case, Nick Coulson, spoke with Billboard about the litigation. In his own words: 

“Dumping promised refunds for expiring coupons during the time of greatest financial suffering in recent history is cruel and wrong.

Especially because people have no idea if they’ll even be able to use the coupons — we don’t know what the next 12 months are going to look like. To the extent that StubHub claims financial constraints have forced its hand (into its customers’ pockets), those constraints are entirely of its own making. Through this action, we hope to provide people some small bit of relief during this uncertain time.”

At the time of writing, StubHub has not commented on the case as they told Billboard that they do not comment on pending litigation. 

H/T: Your EDM


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