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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ultra to Go On as Planned Despite COVID-19 Worries: Miami Mayor

Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez said that the spread of the coronavirus does not call for the cancellation of Ultra Music Festival or other Miami events.

Shortly after it came to light that Ultra Abu Dhabi's debut will be postponed, a prominent Miami official has put to rest speculations about Ultra Music Festival's flagship event. Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez has declared that Ultra and other Miami-Dade County events will not be canceled on account of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

In a tweet on the matter, Gimenez said that the decision was made "following the guidance from Florida’s Surgeon General on coronavirus." Social media commentators have been quick to criticize the decision; some have suggested that lawmakers are placing financial gain ahead of residents' wellbeing. 

COVID-19 belongs to a family of coronaviruses that spread from an initial outbreak in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province. It is caused by the respiratory virus SARS-CoV-2, and at the time of writing it has been confirmed in more than 92,000 cases in 77 countries resulting in at least 3,100 fatalities.

Ultra Music Festival will take place from March 20th-22nd at Bayfront Park. Find the full stage lineup by day for the 2020 event here.




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