Sunday, March 1, 2020

Tomorrowland Winter Will Not Be Affected by French Coronavirus Event Ban

The festival has stated that "currently, no specific measures are required by the public authorities."

After the French government announced a ban on any public event with over 5,000 attendees held in a confined space, many wondered if the ban would apply to this month's Tomorrowland Winter. Festival officials have confirmed that the show will not be affected by the ban and have released information on how they plan to keep attendees safe. 

On the festival's health and safety page, festival officials answer the question of "what measures will be taken with regard to the coronavirus during Tomorrowland Winter?" In their own words:  

"Currently, no specific measures are required by the public authorities.

The medical services on-site will remain in close contact with the authorities and relevant organisations and will keep a close eye on the situation.

It is important to follow the standard measures recommended by organisations such as the WHO that apply to all viruses that can cause flu and colds: wash your hands regularly; use paper tissues; sneeze and cough into the crease of your elbow. We will also communicate these recommendations."

You can view the official page dedicated health and safety at Tomorrowland Winter here. In addition to the included statement, the page features a variety of resources from various governmental organizations related to public health.

Tomorrowland Winter takes place March 14th-21st at Alpe d'Huez in France. Tickets to the snow-filled music festival are still available. You can check out the various travel packages on their website here.

H/T: EDMTunes & Business Insider




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