Friday, March 13, 2020

Bassnectar Shows how We Should All Respond to COVID-19 in Update on Deja Voom

Bassnectar's statement on Deja Voom 2020 made an inspiring call to action during uncertain times.

With festivals being canceled left and right and major metropolitan centers on the East and West Coasts temporarily banning more modest gatherings in light of COVID-19 concerns, festival cancellation statements have not been a near-daily affair. Perhaps none so far have offered as much hope as that of Bassnectar's update on Deja Voom, which was set to take place on March 25th-28th, 2020 at the Grand Oasis in Cancun, Mexico.

Bassnectar (real name Lorin Ashton) treated the announcement that the festival would not move forward almost as an aside to more pertinent matters at hand. "With regards to the news that Deja Voom has been cancelled due to the global pandemic COVID-19, our team is obviously disappointed..." he wrote. "But as human beings living through this global emergency; fun, parties, and concerts are the last things on our minds right now. We are viscerally concerned about the health, safety and well-being of our friends and family, as well as our communities and our society at large."

Asserting that the pandemic calls for "patience, courage, discipline, calm, generosity, compassion, conscientiousness, a respect for science and facts, and an earnest resolve to love thy neighbor and treat others how we wish to be treated," Ashton called upon his fans to think beyond their next festival escape and act as one. Afterwards, he went on to provide resources by which fans could do their part in curbing the spread of the novel coronavirus in addition to exercises that could help allay their own fears.

The coronavirus that causes the diseases COVID-19 first broke out in Wuhan, China in December of 2019. According to the World Health Organization, there are almost 135,000 confirmed cases worldwide at the time of writing - nearly 5,000 of which have resulted in fatalities.

Although the virus is mostly only fatal to the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, its true burden is to the healthcare systems of areas with the most widespread outbreaks. Mass hospitalization has put facilities in China and Italy far over capacity, forcing the latter to establish triage procedures by which patients more likely to be saved are given priority over others in certain cities.

In addition to thorough hand washing, the most proactive measure individuals across the world can take to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is extreme social distancing (remaining six feet from others in public areas and avoiding large gatherings). Data gathered during the 1918 influenza pandemic and compiled by The National Academy of Sciences shows that the method is effective in curbing infection.




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