Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Reduce the Noise: Basic Tips for Shooting in Low Light

Shooting in low light situations can leave you with a grainy, muddy image that is probably best left off of your timeline. But even though it can be tricky, there are ways to make your footage look a whole lot better.

Simon Cade of DSLRguide offers some basic solutions when shooting in low light — ones that don't require you to buy a whole new expensive camera that can handle the lack of available light.

If you're a beginner, especially one who doesn't have access to light kits or professional cameras with plenty of latitude, these tips are directed at you.

Use a wide aperture

The standard metaphor to understand how an aperture works is a faucet: the more you open up your faucet (aperture) the more water (light) comes out. Essentially, the wider your aperture the more light hits your sensor. So, if you know you're going to be shooting in low light situations, try to use a lens with the lowest aperture you can get your hands on and then open that baby up.

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from No Film School

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